Star of the first Asian-led film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Simu Liu is coming to SIGNAL! Big product announcements, cutting-edge demos & industry-leading brands Big news! Reserve your seat at Twilio's 7th Annual SIGNAL Conference for an opportunity to hear from the Star of the first Asian-led film in the Marvel-Cinematic Universe - Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Simu Liu ! George Hu, COO of Twilio, and Simu will delve into topics such as how Asians have been depicted publicly in film, tv, and storytelling and how that has shaped where and how Simu challenged racial stereotypes in Hollywood. We will get his perspective on the importance of selecting projects that work towards changing these perspectives and how being the first Asian Superhero has affected himself, and the Asian community. ...